How Painting Can Calm Your Mood and Create a More Positive Attitude to Life After 60

Everything in our life changes as we age and start on the journey of our last chapter in life. We have to pay more attention to what we eat, our exercise, our daily life and even our thoughts.

Days often do not take care of themselves with a set routine, and we have to plan our agendas to stay content and happy. This may seem wonderful but can also be stressful for many reasons.

Painting is my number one passion and is what grounds me in my life today. I try to paint every day, even for a short period.

Blessed with many interests, I have many activities to choose from: writing, reading, playing the keyboard, bike riding and, of course, the necessities, including keeping a clean house, cooking meals and tending to errands. Not to mention social stuff such as lunches and get-togethers with friends.

As an Artist I Love Color

I find real joy in blending new colors together for new combinations. It never fails to amaze me how many colors and values one can create from the primary colors of red, blue and yellow. I am a color junkie and cannot resist trying new colors and mixing them with the old ones I have.

Some of the colors that derive from red, yellow and blue are intense, somber, earthy and even neutral. There is so much to learn about color and how it affects our moods, personality and even our health.

I love painting with bright and vibrant colors, but my home is in neutral and quiet colors. I know this helps me calm my sometimes-hyper personality.

Another interesting fact about color is that when it stands alone you see it as it is. Some of the things that change the original color are the light or darkness of the room and, most importantly, the surrounding colors.

Painting Helps with Anxiety

I will admit to being a worrier, and that gives me a brush here and there with anxiety. Unfortunately, this has increased with age. Many of us often do not have to dig far to find something to worry about or feel anxious about.

More than likely, today we do not have children to tend to daily or work outside the home. Without these distractions, the ability to put our problems and issues on the back burner of life is not easy.

Painting Reflects My Moods

I discovered there is a major difference in my paintings when going through a difficult time as compared to when I am feeling content and relaxed.

A few months ago, I was feeling stressed and sad about a few things in my personal life. I was also obsessing about the chaos and many issues going on in the world today. The different news sources share daily problems in many cities and countries. All of that resulted in a painting I called Chaos in the City.

Of course, all of this continues to happen, but I am more at peace in my life – most of the time – and am painting some colorful and soft landscapes and soulful ladies. Though I love creating abstract art, my colors are often soft and gentle as compared to some of my earlier work.

Many of us dwell on our changing lives as we age and work hard at accepting what we are facing in this last chapter.

I recently painted a group of pensive young ladies, thinking back to when I was a hopeful young woman. Back then I wanted to do so many things and carry out my dreams. Now I am painting that girl who could well have been me.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Do you paint or have another means of creative expression that helps you deal with the process of aging? Do you find that color adds a positive dimension to your life? Please share your thoughts on how to make the best of color so it soothes our minds and hearts.

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