7 Steps to Reclaim Your Power from the Media

Those of us who are 60 and over are part of the first generation born and raised in what is often referred to as the Golden Age of Consumerism. For several decades, we were the primary targets of messaging from the media and all forms of entertainment.

How we identified with the world and how we presented ourselves to others have largely been influenced by the media. On some level, we are consciously aware of this.

The unconscious part, however, is where many of us unknowingly gave away our power to choose who we truly want to be and what we can accomplish. This happened because we got hooked into believing we are less powerful than we are due to buying into the negative stories we consume in the media.

Without addressing how we have been individually and collectively influenced, the way many of us perceive ourselves as we age has unconsciously become intertwined with false stories the media distributes about the aging population.

How do we go about reclaiming our power from the media?

In this article and the accompanying video, we will answer that question as we explore ways to untangle ourselves from the negative influence of the media’s stories about who we are after 60.

This is part of a new series titled “The Invisible Customer with All the Money®.”In this series for Sixty and Me readers, we will focus on how women over 60 can begin to tell ourselves a new and better story about what we can be, do, and experience through the power of self-love.

This Is an Inner Transformation

There has never been a more important time for women over 60 to curate their experiences and narratives surrounding love, aging and their overall well-being on our own terms.

This involves much more than just turning off your TV or even unplugging from social media periodically. This is about an inner transformation.

To begin, you must be willing to spend less time engaging in negative stories about love, aging, and the state of the world and focus on telling a new and more positive story about yourself.

How do you go about this?

7 Steps to Reclaiming Your Power

By taking conscious, proactive steps to tell a new story on topics that matter most to you, you can not only shift your life into a more positive direction, but you can influence younger generations to do the same.

To accomplish this, you must be willing to shield yourself from disparaging narratives about love, aging and health while also paving the way for more uplifting stories of self-love and self-empowerment to be told from your own perspective.

Here’s seven proven ways to do this:

Limit Media Consumption

Set boundaries by designating certain times of the day to check the news or social media. Avoid mindless scrolling and be aware of negative stories that trigger you.

Curate Social Media

Follow only positive accounts and profiles, such as how you found this article on Sixty and Me. Engage with content that celebrates aging, shares positive stories, or focuses on self-empowerment and self-love.

Engage in Media Literacy

Question the purpose and intent behind stories in the media or even those that are shown on personal blogs and profiles. Recognize the difference between fact, opinion, and bias, and always make up your own mind.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Before ever checking the news, start each day with positive affirmations that reinforce your self-worth. Build a community of friends and family who uplift, support, and share stories of positivity.

Engage in Storytelling

Celebrate your experiences, wisdom, and journey online or wherever you feel empowered and supported. Whether it’s through writing, art, or conversation, share stories that inspire self-love and self-exploration.

Self-Care & Self-Love Rituals

Conscious movement is a form of self-expression and self-love. Dedicate time every day to reflect, meditate, and focus on the present moment. Engage in physical activities like walking, yoga, or dancing.


Journaling is a healing and empowering process to remove yourself from the influence of the media and reinforce your personal beliefs about self-love and self-worth.

More Than Blocking Out Noise

By taking these steps, while adding your own, you can reclaim the power to create your own personal narrative of life after 60.

Reclaiming your power from the influence of the media is not just about blocking out the noise. It’s easy to turn off the television or read only what you want online.

Sustainable change happens within you. It is here that you can create a symphony of positive stories on your own terms that make your heart sing.

This is about actively and mindfully seeking uplifting content and creating new experiences in your life that resonate with love, truth, strength, and beauty. In upcoming articles and videos in this new series we will look into this in greater detail.

I invite you to join me in the video where I will share six additional ways to reclaim your power from the media.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How are you blocking out the media’s stories and creating your own story of love, acceptance, worthiness, and value after 60? Was it easy for you to evaluate content based on merit and positive messages?

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