How ChatGPT Can Be Your Learning Companion at Any Age (VIDEO)

“The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning, you’re not old.” —Rosalyn S. Yalow (Nobel Prize Winner)

Have you ever found yourself curious about something new but thought, Is it too late to start now? Let me assure you – it’s never too late! Whether you’re rekindling an old passion or exploring uncharted territory, learning is a lifelong journey, and with today’s technology, it’s more accessible than ever.

Among the exciting advancements are AI tools like ChatGPT, which can serve as your personal tutor, mentor or study buddy. And it’s not just ChatGPT; there are several ‘AI chatbots’ available. Even Google now begins with an AI-generated answer to your queries before providing the familiar lists of website sources.

I know what some of you may be thinking: “AI? Isn’t that for youngsters?” But bear with me. AI chatbots are like that friendly neighbour who’s always ready for a chat (if, that is, your neighbour knew a great deal about most topics and didn’t mind you dropping in at three in the morning when you couldn’t sleep!).

For a friendly introduction to AI, read HOW CHATGPT CAN HELP YOU IN FUN AND USEFUL WAYS.

Ask and AI Answers

Remember the days when we’d spend hours in the library searching for information? While that can be a very enjoyable way to spend time, sometimes we just want quick answers.

Suppose you’re interested in some basic gardening information, like how to start a vegetable patch. You can ask an AI chatbot and get clear, concise answers tailored just for you. It’s instant advice, when needed, without having to filter out the unnecessary information.

By the way, in AI-speak, anything we ask is known as a “prompt.” I’m going to include some here for you to try out in ChatGPT or another AI chatbot.

For our gardening example, we might begin with a prompt that asks: “How can I start a beginner-friendly vegetable garden at home? What are the easiest vegetables to grow?”

A Word of Caution

While AI chatbots are wonderfully helpful, they’re not perfect. So, if you’re studying something important, or need precise information, it’s always wise to double-check with trusted sources. But AI chatbots are improving and, for the most part, they are incredibly useful and available 24/7!

Simplifying the Complex

We all encounter topics that seem overwhelming at first glance. (AI anyone!) Maybe you’ve heard about “epigenetics” and thought, “Sounds fascinating, but where do I even start?” Here’s where AI chatbots shine. You can ask them to break down complex subjects into simple, easy-to-understand language.

Better yet, you can ask for explanations using analogies that resonate with you. Love dogs? Ask an AI chatbot to explain epigenetics using dog-related examples. These tools excel at turning complicated concepts into everyday language.

Try this prompt: “Explain epigenetics in simple terms using dog-related examples.”

Making Learning Stick

Learning isn’t just about understanding new information; it’s also about remembering it. If you’re trying to retain facts – perhaps for a local quiz night or just to impress the grandchildren – AI chatbots can help create handy memorisation techniques.

For example, if you want to remember the order of the planets in our solar system, you could ask for a helpful mnemonic. I did, and it came up with, “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles,” making Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune much easier to recall. (If that turns up in your local quiz this week, please let me know in the comments!)

Putting Your Knowledge to the Test

Who says tests are only for school? We all know that keeping our minds active is important. AI chatbots can quiz you on just about any subject. Want to brush up on your French before a trip to Paris? Or test your knowledge of classical literature? Just ask, and the AI chatbot will provide questions, wait for your answers, and correct you if needed (usually in a rather kindly fashion).

Here’s a prompt you might try: “Quiz me on basic French phrases for travel. Ask one question at a time and wait for my answer before providing corrections.”

Summarising in Seconds

We’ve all been there – a book club meeting is looming, and you haven’t quite finished the book. You can ask AI for a summary or maybe for some discussion-worthy points. (If that feels like cheating, don’t do it, or be bold and admit you just couldn’t get on with that book and got an AI chatbot to finish it for you.)

Or perhaps you just need the top tips buried in a long-winded article. No problem. An AI chatbot can summarise long texts, highlighting the key points for you.

Try this prompt: “Give me a summary of the book [Where the Crawdads Sing], including key themes, character analysis, and discussion-worthy points.”

A Tutor at Your Fingertips

Embracing new technology might feel daunting, but tools like ChatGPT are surprisingly easy to use – there’s practically no learning curve to get started. Think of it as an eager tutor with access to a limitless library of knowledge, always ready to help.

So why not give it a try? Whether you’re revisiting subjects you love or diving into something entirely new, AI chatbots will help make your learning journey exciting and enjoyable. After all, curiosity keeps us young!

For more learning tips with AI, check out Vicky’s Skool Community.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you tried using an AI chatbot for learning or exploring new topics? I’d love to hear about your experiences or any questions you might have. Please share in the comments below.

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