I have a side I want the world to see. This side of me is shiny, positive, smart, and practically perfect, like Mary Poppins. The A-Side It’s my A-side, the one I spin for company, acquaintances,
Category: Boomrz Blogz
Could This Drain Your Retirement Savings?
As you envision living out your retirement years, what comes to mind? Probably, like most people, you imagine being busy doing things like traveling, engaging in your hobbies, learning new skills, spending time with family and
Designing a Legacy That Inspires Through Thoughtful Life Planning
Let’s talk about legacy and our second half, and why safeguarding it through thoughtful planning is the most significant gift we can give ourselves and the people we love. Legacies are long-lasting but delicate self-representations. Everyone
Adopt an Optimist Mindset for Your Best Life – Now
As the years and decades fly by, too often we think of ourselves as “over the hill,” done with the fun and exciting things that life has to offer. By the time we get to 60
Legumes, Pulses and Beans – Get to Know these Boomer Superfoods
The food pyramid for those over 70 usually emphasizes a diet which is primarily plant-based and includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, and grains. But how much do we really know about them? What are the
3 Ways Retirement Can Take You by Surprise
Every life transition has both peaks and valleys. We become excited about new possibilities, yet we can’t avoid the shadows. Transitioning into retirement isn’t any different. It’s a glorious and fun-filled time of life. And it
Aging Stereotypes: Can You Be More Feeble?
The direction was clear. But I was unmistakably confused. I glanced quizzically at the director. He nodded at me, not so much picking up on my confusion but more to let me know it was time
How to Become a Published Author
There probably has never been a better time to become a published author. Just 15 years ago, your best chance of getting published meant submitting to traditional publishers and keeping your fingers crossed while you wait
Divorced and Over 50? How to Put Yourself First Without Guilt
Many divorced women over 50 struggle to move on because they are still plagued by feelings of guilt, selfishness, and that they “don’t deserve it.” Whether it’s the messaging you received throughout your marriage – that
Why the Solution to Emotional Eating Over 60 Is Self-Love, Not Diets
If you’ve ever reached for food for reasons other than satisfying your hunger, it’s likely you’ve struggled with emotional eating. And if you’ve been on this planet long enough, you’re bound to hear some terrible advice