Retirement: Great Expectations

The saying "Curb Your Enthusiasm" comes to mind when discussing the process of Retirement. I feel that the transition from active engagement in Service or Commercial interactions to a self-directed daily routine requires:
  • Patience…Accepting the aging process is a difficult and challenging process. We all wish to think that we are “39” (old enough to know better..young enough to have the energy to do something about it)
  • Retirement means stepping off the 747 and onto a horse and buggy. It means reduced stress, but it also means taking on the responsibility of Self Direction.
  • Readjustments.. Resetting domestic responsibilities, acknowledging new boundaries, and sharing deeper feelings, all take physical and emotional effort.
  • New (and hopefully improved) Communication. Old habits and shortcut understandings may need revision and/or improvement.

So these are a few of my thoughts on Retirement. Do you have your own?

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